Romy Akari/Romy350's

Commissions Information

Things to know before you request a commission from me

If you are reading this thanks for considering working with me, want you to pass through just a little bit of info so I can clarify some points so if you decide I am fit for the job you are aware of the details you need to knowI have put a some of these details in my Artistree/VGen but I want to lay most of it here so is all in one placeWhen you start a commission with me you are agreeing to my Terms of Service. I recommend give it a read to have an idea if you are ok with my terms. Here is a link so you can check it out:

My Terms of Service can change overtime but at the moment, December 2023, it will remain as it is.

There are things and topics I will and will not work so I want to clarify them here too:

I'll do:●OCs
●Some visible blood
●Any gender
●Slightly suggestive/Alluding to light NSFW
as companions

I'll not do:○Mechas
○Extreme gore
○Explicit NSFW
○Violent and Offensive themes
○Backgrounds beyond my skills at the moment

There are things I wish to work on but I am still lacking the skills like with the case of mechas, nsfw, realism and highly detailed backgrounds, over time if I get to improve in those specific fields I may open to more.
I love to work on things but I have my boundaries so hope you can understand.

This is an extra thing to know is the client is free to post the commission on social medial as long as they mention is a commission and give credit.
I will ask for your permission if I wish to use the commission for samples on the commission page in the case of OCs been possibly feature, your decision will be respected in any case and will add the owner of the OCs in the corner of the sample in the case I do get your permission.

If you commission me feel free to send all the reference and details you think is necessary, I would appreciate if you have something in mind and if is hard to put on words you can provide a sketch even just made out of stick or what you are capable to give me to get closer to the vision you want me to create for you.

Commercial use will add from 30% to 70% of the final price, if it's for personal and non-commercial use there is no extra percent to pay.
The maximum prices listed on "Illustration Cell" and "Illustration Render" are the counting the highest price with the 70% included in case of commercial use to give an estimate on the rare case somebody requested the highest ones for that purpose.

Prices are bound to change overtime as I see fit, as I gain insight on how to price my work the current prices may remain for some time but there is a chance than these will change in the future.

That been said you can look at some of my samples next or skip to my Artistree or VGen where I take commissions.
There are different options of commissions there and if anything is unclear feel free to DM on Twitter & send me an ask or DM on my Tumblr
